
Showing posts from December, 2018

24. Self -care tips for children with Autism

Self -care tips for children with Autism Self-care is an essential part of human life. It is mainly concerned with hygiene. Once a person is keeping his or her hygiene better he / she is building up the confidence about own self.  Children with ASD have various types of problems while performing self-care activities. As the parents and medical staff we need to provide proper cues to child which is make their self-care activities more interested.   Below mentioned tips will be helpful when managing the self-care of child with ASD but all facts will not fit to everyone. For having better outcome of the child contact your Occupational Therapist and get a proper evaluation in self-care activities and then follow the instructions. Sensory: • Use non-perfumed soap. (Some children are hyper or hypo sensitive to smell) • Be aware of bathroom lighting levels and minimize any noises, e.g. run the bath prior to entering the bathroom.  Sometimes sound of water also a ...

23. Advice Strategies for Parents and Carers of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Advice Strategies for Parents and Carers of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder It is well understood that sensory information from body may not processed accurately in Autistic children.  Our main sensory organs e.g. eye, nose, skin, tongue and ear is receiving the relevant sensory information e.g. vision, smell, touch, taste and hearing. This is next going to make a plan of physical movement which requires to be organised to do tasks successfully. For the occupational performances of a child as well as any person, involves a series of complex process, such as body awareness, sequencing, initiation, motor planning and many more. As an example when a person is going to brush teeth toothpaste has to be put on the brush before it enters your mouth. There are several other areas should be taken into consideration: adequate attention levels are required if the activity is to be achieved and sensitivities to tactile experiences have to be overcome, e.g. from c...

22. ඔටිසම්

            ඔටිසම් හඳුනාගන්න. ඔටිසම්  ( Autism)  යනු කුමක්ද? ඔටිසම් සම්බන්ධයෙන් ලියූ ලිපි පෙළක සිංහල පරිවර්තනයන් මෙම ඛාණ්ඩය යටතේ ලියවේ.... ඔටිසම් සහිත දරුවන් යනු ඔවුන්ටම විශේෂිත පොදු ලක්ෂණ සමුහයක් දරන කොටසක්. ඔබට සත්‍ය වශයෙන්ම ඔවුන් සඳහා සහය වීමට අවශ්‍ය නම් ඔබ මුලිකව ඔටිසම් සම්බන්ධව දැනුමැති විය යුතු අතර නිවැරදි ක්‍රම වේදයකට අනුව ඔවුන් පුහුණු කරවීමේ හැකියාවන් සහිත විය යුතුයි. මෙහිදී අප බාහිර පරිසරය දරුවාට ගැලපෙන අන්දමට නිවැරදිව හැඩගැස්විය යුතු අතර ඒ සඳහා අවශ්‍ය  ක්‍රියා පටිපාටීන් සැකසිය යුතු වෙයි. එමෙන්ම දෘශ්‍ය මාධ්‍ය භාවිත කර අවශ්‍ය අරමුණු කරා දරුවන් යොමු කරන්නට ද සමත් විය යුතු වේ. අප භෞතික පරිසරය ගැන සැලකිලිමත් වෙ නම් , ඔටිසම් සහිත දරුවකු ලෝකය වෙනස අන්දමට ග්‍රහණය කරගන්නා බව මුලින්ම සිහි තබා ගත යුතු වෙ. ඔවුන් විවිධාකාර පරිසර දත්තයන් අවබෝධ කරගන්නේ වෙනස්ම ආකාරයකටය. ඔටිසම් සහිත දරුවන් යම් කිසි දෙයක ඇති කුඩා දත්තයන් සහ කරුණු ගැන මුලිකව අවධානය යොමු කරන අතර ඉන් පසු එහි සමස්ත තේරුම ගැන අවධානය යොමු කරන්නට පෙළඹේ. මේ හේතුවෙන් මෙවැනි...

21. Autism

Autism  What do you know about Autism? People with Autism Spectrum Disorder are part of a distinctive group with common characteristics. If you really want to help individuals to learn and develop, it is essential that those around them understand Autistic Spectrum Disorder and assist the individual to develop by providing structured teaching. In here we need to organize the physical environment and develop schedules and work systems which incorporate the use of visual material to make expectations clear and explicit. If we consider about the physical environment, a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder perceive the world differently and most of them have difficulties making sense out of a lot of details. People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder first of all see the detail, and then try to get the meaning. Therefore it is necessary to adapt the environment to suit each individual, to ensure that everything abstract (vague or theoretical e.g the concept of time) is made...